
会 期
2024年9月7日(土) 10時~17時
会 場
日本大学文理学部オーバルホール (図書館3階),東京都世田谷区桜上水3-25-40
主 催
共 催
JSNAC (日本核酸化学会), IS3NA (The International Society of Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids)
Prof. Naoki Sugimoto, Konan University (Japan)
In Cell Statistical Thermodynamics for Analyzing and Controlling Functions of Nucleic Acids

Prof. Janez Plavec, Slovenian NMR centre National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia)
NMR Studies of a Protein Interactions with G-Quadruplex

Prof. Jory Lietard, University of Vienna (Austria)
Spatially Arranged Nucleic Acid Libraries to Create Complex Information Motifs

Prof. Daniela Montesarchio, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
G-Quadruplex-Forming Aptamers as HMGB1 Inhibitors

Prof. Rakesh N. Veedu, Murdoch University (Australia)
Novel Thiomorpholino Oligonucleotides (TMOs) as a Robust Next Generation Platform for Spice Switching Antisense Therapies

Prof. Damien Baigl, Ecole Normale Supérieure (France)
Synthetic Self-Assembly with Life-like Properties

Prof. Eriks Rozners, Binghamton University (USA)
Sequence Selective Recognition of Double-Stranded RNA by Nucleobase-Modified Peptide Nucleic Acids

Prof. Zhen Xi, Nankai University (China)
Genome Therapy: A New Approach for Tumor Growth Inhibition